How to build a successful career in retail.
Lucy, our Retail guru, has worked in and worked with, the best in the business. She has so generously shared her insight on how to make the most out of a retail pathway.
Celebrating 5 years of The Talent Mill, with words from our founder, Ange.
With a gifted laptop from my mum - I decided to just give it a go, figuring if it all went pear shaped, I could always get a job again!
10 Lessons From 10 Years in Recruitment
After 10 years in retail and another 10 years in Recruitment, our Founder Ange shares her learnings from the past 10 years on working in Recruitment!
Planned Holidays | Is It A Dealbreaker When Jobsearching
When it comes to job searching does a pre-planned holiday equal a dealbreaker? When done with consideration, tact, and grace – it doesn’t have to be! Here are our top tips for navigating those conversations around extended annual leave so that you can get the dream job AND your dream holiday.
Career Pivots | Is Returning To Study A Must?
What is more important education, experience or a combination of the two? With emerging occupations, technology and more - the need to stay relevant has never been more critical - but does it mean returning to tertiary education?
Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
In today's market, we are facing a bit of a perfect storm of circumstances which has led to an ultimate candidate-driven market where there are more jobs than relevant candidates.
The Great Resignation - Should We Be Worried?
The Great Resignation. So, are 40% of the workforce really about to leave their jobs?
Soft Skills - Have You Got Them?
If you have ever heard the term “soft skills” and thought what in the world are they? You wouldn’t be alone.
How To: Build Self-Awareness
So, the chances are you will be working with someone who lacks self-awareness and in fact you and I might also need some work in that area too.
Why Your Hiring Experience Is Hurting Your Business!
Bad interviews are not like some crazy scene out of a movie - bad interviews happen all the time. And it’s hurting your brand more than you know.
How To Ask For A LinkedIn Recommendation
Did you know LinkedIn rewards those that engage with their platform fully? Did you know that the more COMPLETE your profile is - the more LinkedIn makes you visible in the algorithm?
5 Reasons You Are Not Getting Approached For Jobs On LinkedIn
Imagine opening your LinkedIn profile and seeing numerous messages from Companies or Recruiters that want to get to know you. They want to tell you about the jobs they have on offer.
Influencing Stakeholders - We Get Clear On What This Means!
Influencing is a crucial skillset that leaders need to display – as you develop further in your career and potentially into a leadership role you have two ways you can lead
Should I Be Job Searching During Covid?
Job searching can be a stressful exercise at the best of times – now as we learn to adapt to life during COVID-19, searching for a new (or any!) job is a reality facing many of us. Yes, I too have been searching for jobs during Level 3 restrictions.
Do Employers Check Your Social Media?
You bet! A recent survey by The Manifest showed that 67% of companies will view applicants LinkedIn profiles and 65% view Facebook profiles. So, what does your social media say about you?
How Did You Get THAT Job? Alex Shaughnessy - Director Of Retail, Lululemon
Alex Shaughnessy is the Director of Retail & Community in Australia and New Zealand. She has led dynamic teams in three countries and opened over 35 stores for Lululemon.
How Did You Get THAT Job? Tina Elias, Creative Director/Founder - MANRAGS/MS SOUS
This week we sat down with the brilliant Tina Elias - Creative Director and one of the Founders of MANRAGS and MS SOUS. Hear her story that began as a professional photographer and led to her entrepreneurial journey.
Why Did You Leave That Role So Soon?
Many factors have influenced the job market including social media, online shopping and the amazing range of SME’s that have opened.
It’s Not Mean, It’s Clear - How To Have Challenging Conversations
What is it about challenging conversations that makes it so hard for us to say what we really think?