Are Job Boards On The Way Out?
On both sides of the coin it can be argued that job boards are a real source of frustration in the recruitment process.
What Is Authentic Leadership?
There is much talk about what a “good” leader or Manager looks like in the workplace. Whether you are in a new leadership position or you have been managing a team for years – how do you know if you are a good leader?
How Did You Get THAT Job! Thu Nguyen, Brand Director - Dream Bandits
First up is the amazing Thu Nguyen, Brand Director of Dream Bandits. I had the pleasure of meeting Thu last year - she has had a career spanning Buying, Category Management, Wholesale and Brand Direction.
Where To Go From Here - Smashing Through The Self-Doubt To Career Pivot!
When an immediate path isn’t clear to us – we feel a bit trapped, lose confidence in our abilities and don’t know how to market all of the amazing skills we have amassed to allow us to head in the right direction.
Attitude Or Experience? Making The Right Hires For Your Business
Like most small businesses who are looking to grow – you might find it challenging to find talent with the experience you think you need.
Top Tips For Maximising Your LinkedIn Profile!
Social Media is playing a huge part now in the recruitment process and yes you guessed it LinkedIn is right there alongside of your day to day social platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
Spotting The Wrong Hires
Let’s talk wrong hires -hiring the wrong person can have a severe impact on your business - we are talking loss of time, productivity, team morale – not to mention the significant loss of money.
Show Me The Money Or Show Me The Meaning?
Income is no longer the defining factor of our value – and with social responsibility an increasing value to all of us – potential employers are having to adjust their recruitment and culture strategies to ensure they are in line with these values.
Eat The Frog First + Other Productivity Hacks
These tips are simple and best of all every single thing in this list will take you less than one minute to implement into your life, but the results of each can be incredible.
10 Reasons To Book In Your Holiday
Not taking a holiday can upset your physical and mental health. We list several health benefits of taking a holiday that prove you should take them seriously.
Preparing For Your Job Interview
With a large percentage of communication coming from nonverbal communication (a whopping 83%!!) Follow our tips to ensure you nail that interview and get your dream job!
Are You An Employer Of Choice?
You want the best of the best naturally – so how can you differentiate yourself from your competitors?
Law Squared Event
The Talent Mill was lucky enough to be invited along for the Law Squared event recently for a talk on Innovation in Fashion & Retail - how technology has changed the way we buy.
Skype Interviews
Whilst face-to-face interviews are still the most common method of interviewing people, Skype interviews (and ones held on other platforms such as Google’s Hangouts and Facebook Messenger) are becoming more and more common.
Interview Etiquette
Making a good first impression is crucial. You may not be the only person your interviewer meets that day, so you want to make yourself stand out and be remembered.
Interpreting Dress Codes
Like it or not, how you present yourself at interview has an impact on how you are perceived. But with professional attire increasingly a subjective theory – how can you ensure the impression you are leaving is the right one.