03. From Digital Marketing Recruiter to Digital Marketing Manager of Zimmermann with Cristina Boydell

Welcome back to the Beyond the Shop Floor podcast.

Feeling stuck in a job that's you know isn't your destiny? Heard all about these mythical career pivots but had no idea how to make it happen? Are internships worth it? Ever wondered if sponsorship was possible in fashion?

Then you are going to want to listen to Episode 3 of the Beyond the Shop Floor Pod! Ange & Lauren chat to the wonderful Cristina Boydell-McGrath who tells us how she has executed Career pivots to perfection and landed her dream role as Digital Marketing Manager at Zimmermann. 

Your dream job awaits! Connect with your host Ange Millar to find out more, ange@thetalentmill.com.au

Carly Stirling

Creative Designer, Melbourne Australia


04. Get LinkedIn Ya Filthy (Yet Fashionable) Animals!


02. Resumes, Resumes, Resumes!